Green Cleaning: Discover the Benefits of Eco
Cleaning for a Healthier Home and Environment

Experience the effectiveness of our signature Mean Green Cleans by booking a Domestic Cleaning Service with Green Cleaning / Eco-Friendly Cleaning at Raquel's Home Services today. Enjoy the benefits of our special blend of natural ingredients, which offer superior cleaning power without compromising your health, supported by academic studies and clinical research.


        “Lemon myrtle oil was shown to possess significant antimicrobial activity against the organisms Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Aspergillus niger, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Propionibacterium acnes comparable to its major component-citral.”  (Hayes AJ, Markovic B., 2002).

Extracts from Various Studies cited below on Essential Oils and their Antimicrobial Properties

         “Remarkably, lemongrass EOs completely inhibited all MRSA[Methicillin Resistant Staphycoccus Aureus] growth on the plate. Lemon myrtle, Mountain savory, Cinnamon bark and Melissa EOs showed a significant inhibition.” ().

       “Investigations performed by Zouhir et al. demonstrated lemongrass essential oil can eradicate the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro ().” (Gao et al., 2020).

       “Topical tea tree oil regimens show similar efficacy to standard treatments for decolonizing the body from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus” (Kairey et al., 2023).

       “LEO[Lavender Essential Oil] appears to be an efficient enhancer of the well-known antiseptic OCT against MRSA strains.”
(Kwiatkowski et al., 2019).

        “The results demonstrated that eugenol[Clove Essential Oil]  could effectively inhibit the growth of S. aureus and E. coli, and is therefore a potential
natural antibacterial agent for controlling foodborne diseases induced by S. aureus and E.” 
(Jingwen et al., 2023).

       “Our results showed that CEO[Cedar Essential Oil] had strong antibacterial effectiveness against the growth of M. luteus and S. marcescens on the
bread, carrot, and celery models. … Our results also showed antifungal activity of CEO against P. aurantiogriseum, P. expansum, P. chrysogenum, and P. italicum growing on the bread model.”
(Kačániová et al., 2022)

        “The current study demonstrated that a blend of EOs [Essential Oils] of orange, patchouli, peppermint, and clary sage, provides greater growth inhibition of P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, Str. pneumoniae, and A. brasiliensis than an air freshener, and similar inhibition to a liquid soap, and a body spray … Blending these four essential oils provided a wider antimicrobial benefit than observed by its individual single oils.”
(Paula et al., 2017).

Discover the Power of Green Cleaning Services in Ballina, Lismore, Byron Bay, Goonelabah, and Nimbin
In the vibrant communities of Ballina, Lismore, Byron Bay, Goonelabah, and Nimbin, the demand for eco-friendly cleaning solutions is growing, and for good reason. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a cleaner, healthier environment with green cleaning services. Green cleaning provides a harmonious way to maintain cleanliness without harming the planet or its inhabitants. Now making Nimbin cleaner, Lennox Head cleaner, Evan’s Head cleaner, Ballina cleaner, Byron Bay cleaner, as well as making a cleaner environment for Lismore and Goonelabah with our trademarked Mean Green Cleans™ using our trade secret combination of natural cleaning agents which proves most effective, and is backed by academic studies.

What Sets Green Cleaning Apart?
Green cleaning isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about making a positive impact on the world around us.  Green cleaning relies on non-toxic, biodegradable products and methods to cleanse spaces effectively. With the rise in environmental awareness, more people are turning to green cleaning as the preferred choice for homes and businesses.

What if I’m unhappy with the service?
Unhappy with the service you received? No problem! At Raquel’s Home
Services, we ensure a seamless experience. If it’s determined that our
cleaners didn’t meet our rigorous cleaning standards, and you can
provide evidence of the issues encountered, we’ll dispatch a cleaner
back to your provided address at absolutely no charge to ensure the job
is completed to your satisfaction!

The Unpleasant Reality of Mainstream Cleaning Supplies and Avoiding Harmful Chemicals

Maintaining a clean and inviting home is a universal desire. However, this goal shouldn’t come at the expense of your well-being. Ensuring that the products you use are gentle on both your health and the environment is crucial. Many commercial cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can contaminate indoor air and lead to various health issues, such as skin irritation and allergic reactions. Beyond these immediate effects, exposure to VOCs can also result in headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Thankfully, there’s a safer option available. Opting for green cleaning products allows you to achieve cleanliness without jeopardizing your family’s health. 

By choosing eco-friendly alternatives, you can achieve the same level of cleanliness without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. Simple ingredients like baking soda and vinegar can serve as effective substitutes for commercial cleaners, safeguarding your family’s health while also being budget-friendly. Regardless of the cleaning products you use, proper ventilation is essential. Opening windows and running a fan for at least 30 minutes post-cleaning can help dissipate harsh odors and circulate fresh air.

               “Constant exposure to these chemicals
               [Regular household cleaning chemicals]
               can create a build up in our bodies,
               which can lead to some pretty scary
               health defects including weakened
               immunity, hormonal imbalances,
               reduced fertility and an increased
               risk of cancer.” – From article
               “Is Scotchgard Safe?” at

Benefits of Green Cleaning:

  1. Environmental Preservation: Unlike conventional cleaning methods that harm the environment, green cleaning promotes sustainability by using eco-friendly products and practices.
  2. Healthier Spaces: Enjoy cleaner, healthier living and working environments free from harmful chemicals found in traditional cleaning agents.
  3. Reduced Allergens: Say goodbye to allergens and hello to improved indoor air quality, creating a more comfortable atmosphere for everyone.
  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Save money in the long run by reducing the need for expensive cleaning agents and potential health-related expenses.
  5. Community Support: Support local businesses and promote sustainable practices by opting for green cleaning services.

Is Eco-Cleaning safe for my children and pets?

Our eco-friendly cleaning products are safe for all members of your household, including your children and your furry friends, being diluted to safe levels for use around pets and children, as well as being bio-degradable.

If you are really concerned about the well-being of your pets who cannot handle essential oils as well due to lacking the enzymes needed to break them down, you can ask your appointment setter before your appointment to organise a green cleaning service using extra pet friendly green cleaning agents, or a combination extra pet friendly oil mixture for steam cleaning, such as lemongrass, lavendar, cedar, and sage oil, or a combination of them, which each have potent anti-microbial properties on their own despite being safe to use around pets and children.

We dilute all of our essential oils to a sufficient degree to ensure they do not pose a danger to cats and dogs in our eco-cleaning domestic cleaning services, however if you still have concerns about safety for pets simply specify that you would like extra pet friendly cleaning agents used with your eco-cleaning domestic cleaning service, before your appointment to your
appointment setter and we will arrange for the right cleaner to come to you.

Dogs are particularly sensitive to tea-tree, eucalyptus,  cinnamon,  citrus, lemon myrtle, peppermint and clove oils we may use in our
eco-cleaning services. Cats are particularly sensitive to tea tree, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and patchouli oils, and to a lesser extent peppermint oil; but our furry friends can handle other oils such as lemongrass, lavendar, cedar, and sage oil which are considered safe to use around household pets.

Harnessing the Power of Essential Oils:
In the realm of green cleaning, essential oils play a crucial role in providing natural solutions to common cleaning challenges. From eucalyptus oil to tea tree oil, these essential oils offer a safe and effective alternative to harsh chemicals.  Essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oil work tirelessly to combat dirt, grime, and bacteria, leaving behind a fresh, invigorating scent.

Essential Oils: Nature’s Cleaning Arsenal
In the world of green cleaning, essential oils serve as the unsung heroes, offering natural solutions to everyday cleaning dilemmas. Think of them as the trusted allies in your cleaning toolkit, ready to tackle dirt, grime, and odors with ease. Here’s a lineup of essential oils commonly used in green cleaning, along with their unique benefits. Some of the essential oils used by cleaners at Raquel’s Home Services in our green cleaning/eco cleaning package for our regular domestic cleaning services include:

  • Eucalyptus Oil: Picture eucalyptus oil as your reliable sidekick, swooping in to disinfect surfaces and leave behind a refreshing scent. Its natural antibacterial properties make it perfect for banishing germs and revitalizing spaces.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its potent antimicrobial powers, tea tree oil is like a superhero against mold and mildew. It purifies the air while fighting off unwanted microbial invaders, ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • Lavender Oil: Enter lavender oil, the soothing balm for your cleaning woes. Not only does it calm the senses with its delightful aroma, but it also boasts antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a formidable force against germs.
  • Patchouli Oil: Harness the potent antimicrobial properties of patchouli oil to deeply cleanse and purify your surroundings, enveloping your space in an earthy, grounding aroma.
  • Sage Oil: Utilize the powerful antifungal and antimicrobial qualities of sage oil to cleanse and refresh your environment, while its herbal scent uplifts and revitalizes the atmosphere.
  • Orange Oil: Embrace the natural antimicrobial power of orange oil as it effortlessly eliminates germs and odors, leaving behind a revitalizing citrus aroma that brightens and invigorates your space.
  • Peppermint Oil: Refreshing and invigorating, peppermint oil is like a breath of fresh air for your home. Its crisp scent not only repels insects but also serves as a natural air freshener, leaving rooms smelling minty clean.
  • Clove Oil: Meet clove oil, the powerhouse against mold and bacteria. With its potent antimicrobial properties, it effectively combats microbial growth while leaving behind a warm and spicy fragrance.
  • Lemon Myrtle Oil: Bursting with antibacterial prowess, lemon myrtle oil is your go-to for cleaning and deodorizing surfaces. Its fresh and zesty aroma adds a touch of brightness to any space.
  • Cedar Oil: Like a protective shield, cedar oil wards off insects while imparting a woody fragrance that lingers in the air. It’s nature’s way of keeping your home smelling fresh and inviting.
  • Lemongrass Oil: With its invigorating citrus scent, lemongrass oil is a powerhouse when it comes to freshening up spaces. It not only acts as a natural air freshener but also doubles as a surface cleaner, leaving surfaces sparkling clean.

These essential oils aren’t just cleaners; they’re the ultimate allies in your quest for a cleaner, greener home. Harness their natural powers and transform your cleaning routine into a fragrant and eco-friendly experience.

Naturally Combating Bacteria and Mould with Essential Oils
In the ongoing battle against mould, six essential oils emerge as formidable allies: clove oil, tea tree oil, patchouli oil, sage oil, and orange oil. These natural agents possess unique properties that make them effective fighters against bacterial infections and mould infestations, due to their antimicrobial properties, which when used together in conjunction their antimicrobial properties are enhanced.

  • Clove Oil: With its powerful antimicrobial properties, clove oil is a potent adversary against mold growth and foodborne diseases including E. coli and S. aureus. Think of it as a skilled cleaner, penetrating deep into mold spores to inhibit their growth and prevent further spread. Moreover, its warm, spicy aroma not only freshens spaces but also signals the eradication of mold, transforming environments into havens of cleanliness.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Renowned for its antimicrobial strength, tea tree oil acts as a vigilant protector against mold and mildew, as well as very dangerous microbes including methicillin-resistant Stapylococcus aureus (MRSA). Like a thorough cleaner, it dismantles mold colonies and purifies surfaces, improving indoor air quality in the process. By eliminating existing mold and preventing its recurrence, tea tree oil ensures lasting protection for homes and businesses alike.
  • Patchouli Oil: With documented antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, patchouli oil serves as a reliable defender against a variety of pathogens, contributing to a thorough cleansing and purification of your surroundings. Its earthy aroma adds a soothing touch to your environment, enhancing the feeling of freshness and rejuvenation.
  • Sage Oil: Supported by research for its antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities, sage oil acts as a trustworthy shield against harmful pathogens, promoting cleanliness and purity in your home. Its herbal fragrance not only cleanses the air but also rejuvenates the senses, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and clarity.
  • Orange Oil: Backed by scientific evidence of its antibacterial and antimicrobial efficacy, orange oil is a versatile tool in your cleaning arsenal, effectively purifying your space and eliminating undesirable pathogens. As its refreshing citrus scent fills the air, you can enjoy a clean and invigorated environment, knowing that your surroundings are both sanitized and revitalized.
  • Lavender Oil: With its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, lavender oil not only effectively combats germs and mold but also fills your space
    with a delightful fragrance, promoting a sense of relaxation and cleanliness.
  • Lemongrass Oil: With its potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, lemongrass oil acts as a formidable barrier against extremely harmful microbes, such as methicillin-resistant Stapylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is otherwise known to devastate diabetes type 1s and a superbug which develops in hospitals which is resistant to antibiotics, whilst lemongrass effectively inhibits MRSA’s growth and proliferation. Its citrusy aroma not only revitalizes spaces but also signifies the thorough cleansing and purification of your environment.
  • Lemon Myrtle Oil: Renowned for its powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial strength, lemon myrtle oil serves as a vigilant guardian against a variety of pathogens, ensuring a thorough purification of your surroundings. Its refreshing citrus scent not only cleanses the air but also promotes a sense of invigoration and cleanliness.
  • Peppermint Oil: Backed by scientific evidence of its antimicrobial and antibacterial efficacy, peppermint oil is a versatile asset in your cleaning arsenal, effectively neutralizing undesirable pathogens and promoting a hygienic environment. As its refreshing minty aroma fills the air, you can enjoy a space that is both sanitized and revitalized.
  • Cedar Oil: A must have in any cleaning toolkit, it’s anti-fungal properties stand unparalleled and it is safe to use around cats, dogs and children. Cedar oil stands as a formidable defender against a spectrum of harmful microbes, ensuring thorough cleansing and purification of your environment. Its woody aroma not only imbues spaces with a sense of warmth, creating a sanctuary of cleanliness and tranquility, but it also inhibits fungal growth of all fungi which are known to target some decaying vegetables including carrots and celery.

Several studies have investigated the antimicrobial properties of essential oils against various bacteria, including E. coli and Staphylococcus, among others. Tea tree oil, for example, has been widely studied for its antimicrobial activity. Research has shown that it exhibits inhibitory effects against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, among other bacteria.
         “Topical tea tree oil regimens show similar
          efficacy to standard treatments for
          decolonizing the body from methicillin-
          resistant Staphylococcus aureus,”
From Kairey L, Agnew T, Bowles EJ,
          Barkla BJ, Wardle J, Lauche R.
          Efficacy and safety of Melaleuca
          alternifolia (tea tree) oil for human health –
          A systematic review of randomized
          controlled trials.

          Front Pharmacol. 2023 Mar 24

Lavender oil has also demonstrated antimicrobial properties in several studies. It has shown effectiveness against a range of bacteria, including Staphylococcus and E. coli.
       “LEO[Lavendar Essential Oil] appears to be
        an efficient enhancer of the well-known
        antiseptic OCT against MRSA strains. It
        potentially influences bacterial permeation
        by modifying the cell wall structure. …
        Therefore LEO appears to offer therapeutic as
        well as preventive potential in the post-
        antibiotic era.”
-From Kwiatkowski P, Łopusiewicz Ł,
         Kostek M, Drozłowska E, Pruss A,
         Wojciuk B, Sienkiewicz M,
         Zielińska-Bliźniewska H, Dołęgowska B.
         The Antibacterial Activity of Lavender
         Essential Oil Alone and In Combination
         with Octenidine Dihydrochloride against
         MRSA Strains.

         Molecules. 2019 Dec 26;25(1):95.

Peppermint oil, clove oil, lemon myrtle oil, cedar oil, and lemongrass oil have all been studied for their antimicrobial activity as well, they have shown promise in inhibiting the growth of bacteria like E. coli and Staphylococcus.
        The antimicrobial activity results revealed
          that PEP [Peppermint Essential Oil] loaded
          PCL electrospun fiber mats exhibited
          inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus
          (gram-positive) and Escherichia coli
          (gram-negative) bacteria”
From Unalan I, Slavik B, Buettner A,
          Goldmann WH, Frank G, Boccaccini AR.
          Physical and Antibacterial Properties of
          Peppermint Essential Oil Loaded Poly
          (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Electrospun Fiber
          Mats for Wound Healing.

          Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019 Nov 26;7:346.     

         The results demonstrated that eugenol
         [Clove Essential Oil]  could effectively inhibit
         the growth of S. aureus and E. coli, and
         is therefore a potential natural antibacterial
         agent for controlling foodborne diseases
         induced by S. aureus and E.”
-From Jingwen Bai, Jianqiang Li,
         Zhiyuan Chen, Xuedong Bai, Zhenyuan Yang,
         Zitong Wang, Yu Yang,
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of clove
         essential oil against foodborne pathogens,
LWT, Volume 173, 2023, 114249.

         “Lemon myrtle oil was shown to possess
          significant antimicrobial activity against
          the organisms Staphylococcus aureus,
          Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
          Candida albicans, methicillin-resistant
          S. aureus (MRSA), Aspergillus niger,
          Klebsiella pneumoniae and
          Propionibacterium acnes comparable to
          its major component-citral.”

          -From Hayes AJ, Markovic B. Toxicity of
          Australian essential oil Backhousia
          citriodora (Lemon myrtle). Part 1.
          Antimicrobial activity and in vitro cytotoxicity.
          Food Chem Toxicol. 2002 Apr;40(4):535-43.

          “Our results showed that CEO[Cedar Essential
           Oil] had strong antibacterial effectiveness
           against the growth of M. luteus and S.
           marcescens on the bread, carrot, and celery
           models. The food industry primarily uses
           essential oils (EOs) as flavorings. Our results
           also showed antifungal activity of CEO
           against P. aurantiogriseum, P. expansum,
           P. chrysogenum, and P. italicum growing on
           the bread model. The highest concentrations
           of the EO displayed very strong antifungal
           effectiveness against the growth of all fungi
           strains tested on carrots and celery as
           substrates. EOs belong to the group of
           antimicrobial agents used as food
           preservatives for controlling food spoilage
           and foodborne pathogenic bacteria based
           on their growth inhibition properties”

          -From Kačániová M, Galovičová L, Valková V,
          Ďuranová H, Štefániková J, Čmiková N,
          Vukic M, Vukovic NL, Kowalczewski PŁ.
          Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, In Vitro
          and In Situ Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm, and
          Anti-Insect Activity of Cedar atlantica
          Essential Oil.

          Plants (Basel). 2022 Jan 28;11(3):358.

          “Investigations performed by Zouhir et al.
          demonstrated lemongrass essential oil can
          eradicate the methicillin-resistant
          Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro
-From Gao S, Liu G, Li J, Chen J, Li L, Li Z,
           Zhang X, Zhang S, Thorne RF, Zhang S.
           Antimicrobial Activity of Lemongrass
           Essential Oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus)
           and Its Active Component Citral Against
           Dual-Species Biofilms of Staphylococcus
           aureus and Candida Species.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020 Dec,

          “Results: Of the 118 peptides, 88 exhibited an
           activity against MRSA[
Methicillin Resistant
           Staphylococcus Aureus]
with the highest
           activity of minimum inhibitor concentration
           values. Various plant EOs have been
           effective against MRSA. Remarkably,
           lemongrass EOs completely inhibited all
           MRSA growth on the plate. Lemon myrtle,
           Mountain savory, Cinnamon bark and Melissa
           EOs showed a significant inhibition.”
-From Zouhir A, Jridi T, Nefzi A,
           Ben Hamida J, Sebei K.
           Inhibition of methicillin-resistant
           Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by
           antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and plant
           essential oils.
Pharm Biol. 2016 Dec;54(12):3136-3150.

By harnessing the natural potency of these natural essential oils together as cleaning agents, green cleaning offers a superior solution to bacteria and mould infestations. Just as expert cleaners restore order to spaces, these essential oils restore balance, fostering cleaner, healthier environments for all to enjoy.

Why choose Eco-Cleaning Chemicals in your Domestic Cleaning Service over Regular Household Chemicals?

Studies show that a combination of essential oils used as natural cleaning agents prove to be more effective than some chemical cleaners, such as
Air Fresheners, liquid soaps and body sprays at destroying common household bacteria and germs, including staphylococcus aureus.
        “The current study demonstrated that a blend
          of EOs [Essential Oils] of orange, patchouli,
          peppermint, and clary sage, provides greater
          growth inhibition of P. aeruginosa, S. aureus,
          Str. pneumoniae, and A. brasiliensis than an
          air freshener, and similar inhibition to a liquid
          soap, and a body spray … Blending these four
          essential oils provided a wider antimicrobial
          benefit than observed by its individual single

From Paula L. Vieira-Brock,
         Brent M. Vaughan, David L. Vollmer,

Comparison of antimicrobial activities of
         natural essential oils and synthetic fragrances
         against selected environmental pathogens

         Biochimie Open, Volume 5, 2017, Pages 8-13

Can I have regular household cleaning chemicals used in my domestic cleaning service with Raquel’s Home Services?

Our Eco-cleaning service is optional and comes as an alternative set of chemicals that are used instead of the regular set of household cleaning chemicals used in our regular domestic cleaning service bookings which we also provide.
  Household cleaning chemicals we use for standard Domestic Cleaning services:
  • Bleach
  • Surface Cleaner/Floor Cleaner/Disinfectant with
    benzalkonium chloride
  • Gumption
  • Detergent
  • Steam

       Natural cleaning agents we use for Domestic Cleaning services with Green Cleaning:

  • Essential Oil Combinations (your choices of any of lemon-myrtle, lemongrass, eucalyptus, orange, sage, patchouli, tea-tree, lavender, peppermint, clove, cedar oils, a blend of any essential oils your choosing, or leave it to the professionals).
  • Extra pet safe essential oils of lemongrass, lavendar, cedar, and sage oils are available!
    • Borax (for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties)
    • Sodium Bicarbonate (not used in conjunction with vinegar but separately)
    • Detergent
    • Steam
    If you prefer the use of harsher and/or non-natural chemical cleaning agents such as Bleach, “Floor cleaner”/”Surface cleaner”/”Disinfectant” agents (E.g. Pine-O-Cleen Floor Cleaner/Surface Cleaner/Disinfectant /w benzalkonium chloride) , you must elect and specify for regular chemical agents rather than green cleaning agents to be used in the cleaning service you order to your appointment setter, prior to the commencement of the service.


    Clients may also request a BYO chemicals option for a regular domestic cleaning service if they prefer our cleaners to use their chemicals.

    Why Choose Green Cleaning for Your AirBnB in Byron Bay?
    Whether you own a bustling AirBnB in Byron Bay or manage a business in the heart of the city, green cleaning offers unparalleled benefits. Reach
    out to us if you need green cleaners in Ballina, Byron Bay or on the Northern Rivers locale for your AirBnB or business establishment.

    Remember, choosing green cleaning isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about making a positive impact on the world around us. Let’s clean green and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future.


    Frequently Asked Questions about our Green Cleaning Services

    Of course! In our standard domestic cleaning service, we utilize conventional household cleaning chemicals. However, for those preferring eco-friendly options, we offer an optional Eco-cleaning service with alternative chemicals for your convenience.

    We offer various payment options, including cash, Direct Bank Transfer, and PayID.

    Booking a service online is hassle-free. Just fill out our booking form, and we’ll promptly confirm your booking and arrange secure payment over the phone. Alternatively, you can pay the entire amount via Direct Bank Transfer or PayID. A deposit of $150.00 is required for bond-cleaning jobs, no deposit is required for other services. Click here and fill out the form to book a service today!

    Setting up recurring cleaning services is simple on our booking platform. Enjoy significant discounts based on the frequency of cleaning you choose, with no long-term contracts required.

     Absolutely! Please inform us in advance about your pets, and we’ll notify our cleaning team accordingly. During cleaning, we kindly request that all pets be relocated from the designated cleaning area for their safety and comfort.

    No, your presence is unnecessary. Simply leave a key and entry instructions in the Request a Service form, and our team will handle the rest with confidentiality and professionalism.

    We offer various cleaning services, including regular domestic cleaning, office cleaning, commercial cleaning, NDIS cleaning, and deep cleaning. Choose specific services or opt for a comprehensive deep clean tailored to your needs. Click here to see a full list of the services we offer.

    Our pricing options include flat rate (for bond cleaning only) and hourly rate. Receive an instant quote using our online form.

    We offer flexible booking options. Contact us for late-night or early-morning services.

    Absolutely! Our skilled team brings all necessary equipment.

    Our team brings their own eco-friendly supplies and equipment. If you have preferred products, let us know, and we’ll accommodate your requests.

    Our cleaning products are eco-friendly and come with a mild scent. If you have specific preferences regarding cleaning supplies, please inform us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.

    Yes, we use only eco-friendly products safe for both children and pets. You can also request extra Pet-Safe essential oils for added peace of mind.

    The duration depends on your home’s size and services required. Our team will discuss this with you beforehand.

    We provide NDIS services for residential and end-of-lease cleaning, as well as general household assistance and help with running errands. Contact us for approval by your NDIS Case Manager or Provider Service.

    To find out more, chat with Raquel's Home Services today by calling us on 0474 167 415.

    You can also contact us by filling out your details including your name, email and contact number, and information relating to your enquiry into the form below and someone will be in touch with you shortly!


    Contact us with your enquiry in the form below, or fill in the Request a Service Form below if you would like a callback to arrange an appointment for services.

    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
    Please leave a contact number and email address for us to return your enquiry.
    Please leave an email address and contact number for us to return your enquiry.
    You can submit your enquiry here and someone will be in touch with you soon!

    We've been rated 4.4/5 stars on Google by the lovely members of our community.

    Amazing service and value for money. One phone call and everything was booked - so easy. They attended at the exact destination promptly and cleaned the house to perfection. Would 10000% recommend.

    Our Guarantees to You

    Hourly Rate Guarantee
    In the event that our company determines our cleaners have not met our high standards, and evidence of such issues is presented, rest assured we will promptly address any concerns. We will dispatch a cleaner to your specified location at no additional cost to ensure the task is completed to your satisfaction!

    Bond Cleaning Guarantee
    If your real estate agent identifies any missed or inadequately cleaned items on their final outgoing inspection report which are items covered by our bond cleaning procedure and checklist following our bond cleaning service, signaling dissatisfaction with the quality provided by Raquel’s Home Services, the same cleaner will promptly revisit your specified address to address the concerns at no additional cost, offering you peace of mind for your end-of-lease cleaning requirements!

    Maddy Green
    Maddy Green
    Google Reviews
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    Amazing service and value for money. One phone call and everything was booked - so easy. They attended at the exact destination promptly and cleaned the house to perfection. Would 10000% recommend.
    Jaycob Heufel
    Jaycob Heufel
    Positive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Value
    Read More
    Raquel did a cleaning on my girlfriend's home in Lismore before the rental inspection. The real estate said the house never looked better. So we will use her everytime and go to the beach for the day like we did last week. Life is awesome when you have a reliable home cleaner for inspections. No more stress 🙂 thanks heaps for helping us
    Urosh Djordje Lukic
    Urosh Djordje Lukic
    Read More
    I recently hired Raquel from Raquel's Home Services, and I am beyond impressed with the results. From start to finish, the experience was seamless and professional. Firstly, scheduling was a breeze. Their team was accommodating and flexible, ensuring that the cleaning appointment fit into my schedule without any hassle. My home was left clean and smelling wonderful with the essential oils she incorporates into her steam cleaning process. She was punctual and came fully prepared with all the necessary equipment and supplies. What stood out to me the most was her attention to detail. Not only was the quality of her work outstanding, but she was courteous and respectful. She was attentive to my specific cleaning preferences and went above and beyond to ensure my satisfaction. Overall, I couldn't be happier with the service provided by Raquel's Home Services. They have truly set the standard for professionalism and excellence in the cleaning industry. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of top-notch cleaning services, and for people sensitive to chemical cleaning agents.
    Karen Hazan
    Karen Hazan
    Positive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness, Value
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    I have used Rachel’s cleaning services for a few months now and have always been really pleased with her work .I would highly recommend this service. Great quality and efficiency !
    Fiona Burton
    Fiona Burton
    Service: Standard cleaning
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    Best clean, reliable, trustworthy, professional, booked regular
    Narelle Edwards
    Narelle Edwards
    Positive: Quality, Value
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    I choose to try Raquel out of all the various cleaners advertising because of "the extra pair of hands" and that's exactly what she's been. My entire home had descended into chaos over a long period and I desperately needed help cleaning and restoring order. I'm reasonably fit & capable, just time poor; Raquel has been wonderful going above and beyond, and getting through the work faster than I could given the same time. This has been the best investment in my wellbeing I could possibly have made.
    Liz Lewis
    Liz Lewis
    Positive: Professionalism, Value
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    A rare cleaning gem is Raquel, she is very professional and gets the job done. Very good value for money and I would recommend her cleaning service to anyone.
    Tenielle Bryant
    Tenielle Bryant
    Positive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness
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    We are lucky enough to be supported with a regular service by this fantastic local business. Not only are the staff kind, efficient and detail oriented in their work, but they are reliable and trustworthy. They are easy to communicate with and flexible when able. I highly recommend their services. Thank you for all you do to support our family.
    Shaaronna Hazan
    Shaaronna Hazan
    Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Value
    Read More
    Racquel is great at what she does . She is a great cleaner !
    S Kerr
    S Kerr
    Local Guide - 25 Reviews
    Read More
    Really kind and caring team. Ky in particular was super helpful and accomodating
    Sandra Shields Bell
    Sandra Shields Bell
    Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value
    Read More
    "Racquel is the ultimate cleaner! She had the best equipment and eco cleaning supplies. She has an amazing eye for detail and does a beautiful job. I would highly recommend Racquel."
    Brad Maxwell
    Brad Maxwell
    Read More
    I had gardening done and found Raquel's Home Services to be very efficient and tidy. All work was done on time with good results.
    Trent Costello
    Trent Costello
    Service: Office & workplace cleaning
    Read More
    Raquel cleaned our house and my wife and I thought the job she did was wonderful. Lovely to come home to a clean house with 6 of us living here and not finding the time to clean the house Recommend her services.
    Margaret Rowlandson
    Margaret Rowlandson
    Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness
    Read More
    cleaning services are of very high standard and care and consideration with everything.

    Request a Service

    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
    What is the best contact number for us to reach you on? - Please provide an email address so a quote and/or service agreement may be sent to you if you require it.
    How many bedrooms in the premesis?
    How many bathrooms in the premesis?
    What day(s) would you prefer this service (tick all that apply)
    What time(s) would you prefer to start this service if possible? (tick all that apply, please tick multiple time options as availailabilities must first be confirmed)
    Type of cleaning service required:
    Please include details such as Street Number, Suburb, Postcode.
    Please leave instructions for our cleaners to enter your premises. or a phone number to contact on the day the service is required if there are any special instructions required for entry.
    Is there a deadline that the job needs to be done before?
    Please indicate if the client is seeking support services through the NDIS.
    If so, please let us know what they are here.
    Please leave extra details and information about the job here if you feel you need to mention anything, as well as if you have any requests pertaining to which cleaning chemicals not to use, if you would like our cleaners to use your chemicals (BYO), if you have any allergies or if you have any special requirements or requests for the service such as add-on services.

    By booking a service with Raquel's Home Services, you agree to our Privacy Policy and to the Terms and Conditions for service listed on our website.

    Thank you for choosing Raquel’s Home Services for your cleaning service needs! We look forward to hearing from you and someone will be in touch with you shortly upon the sending of your enquiry!